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薄荷塘:茶幹茶墨綠長梗,條索肥厚,厚實。 湯色濃豔金黃,入口醇潤,清冽欲醉,水路細膩,口感清新,香甜滑潤,湯感綿厚,內勁野性十足,苦澀是極微,帶有一絲絲薄荷之涼,是一款非常內斂非常極端的易武茶:


本帖最後由 鎔陞玉璽 於 2024-6-11 20:34 編輯


從清朝始,易武茶年年歲貢, 進貢之餘,由於山高路遠,比貢茶稍微劣等茶葉全部拉到當時的"普洱"這個地方交易,故而老百姓稱之為:普洱茶.當時的普洱茶既稀少珍貴,養生功效卓著,也是貴族身份的象徵,在民間茶館茶店的售價高昂,價等黃金.甚至有一段時間出現各地提前預訂,提前到普洱等待,客商互相竟價的局面.每年產茶時節,普洱茶交易火暴到方圓五百里無客棧不滿的興盛局面。


本帖最後由 鎔陞玉璽 於 2024-6-12 11:09 編輯

茶網資訊閱讀: 易武國有林概念:






2006 年收藏幾款陳廣和堂 易武野寨茶品,其中 有刮風寨
時隔多年,剛好製茶人有一茶文,轉貼於此,供惠顧愛茶人參考 (因愛茶人也有國際茶友透過軟體翻譯未竟其意僅供參考):
018年7月24日 ·
陳智同 陳廣和堂茶行

July 24, 2018 ·
The personality and branding trend of famous mountains and famous villages
Chen Zhitong Chen Guanghetang Tea Company
Any kind of famous mountain tea has an unbreakable regionality, which is mainly affected by local soil characteristics, topography, tea varieties, tree age, ecological conditions and picking quantity. Climate and production conditions are part of the intermediary variables. Adam Smith, the father of economics, mentioned in "The Wealth of Nations" that grapevines are more susceptible to soil than any fruit tree, and will absorb special flavors from a certain soil. This flavor cannot be given no matter what kind of farming or pruning method is used. This may be an apt description of the origin of Old World wines, but it may not be supported by exact data in science.
It is true that flavor cannot be quantified, but things that can be quantified may not be drinkable. I think the degree of quantification of medicines is relatively high. By the same token, famous mountain tea is also subject to similar conditions. If we transform the special soil flavor into a special mountain area, then the formation of famous mountain tea is not accidental. However, what is certain is that the taste of each mountain must be different. For example, Yiwu is sweet and fragrant with butyric acid, while Banzhang is oily camphor with a bitter base. This cannot but be said to be the influence of the environment. As for the formation of famous mountain tea, it is derived from special market characteristics and historical factors. The most important thing is that the taste and quality of its tea have, to a certain extent, achieved a consensus on the mainstream market taste. We can say that there is not much difference in the connotation and composition of Pu'er tea in the same year. There may be only slight differences in the connotation data, but there is such a big difference in price. This cannot be explained by science. It is a manifestation of consumer preference and culture. In other words, from a scientific point of view, the connotation of many teas is actually similar, and the nutritional value is also similar, but they have different destinies and performances. Why is this? In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the value people give it. When many people think that the flavor of famous mountain tea is valuable, the teas of Yiwu and Banzhang have characteristics and excellent taste, basically it has a certain market value. Take Yiwu as an example. It was a real mountain a hundred years ago. Many high-priced antique teas on the market are mostly from Yiwu, which has formed a market. The status of a place of origin with a century-old consensus can be imagined in the market. Banzhang is a newly emerged famous village. Although it is not blessed by old tea, its special flavor and taste are still recognized by the market. So we know that the market often recognizes taste and charm first. We can say that it is the influence of soil characteristics, but the market cannot see other conditions, such as production methods, ecological conditions, etc., but these conditions are ultimately the best expression in quality and taste.
The formation of famous mountain tea is very rich in connotation. It is not due to a single reason, and it is not simply recognized in the market because there must be special market opportunities and opportunities for changes in preference orientation. However, famous mountain tea is also very individual. In addition to its rarity, it also has a different origin from tea garden tea. Therefore, the uncertainty of its production also creates its unique personality. To a certain extent, the rise of famous mountain tea has also changed the flow of funds in the production area, and also highlighted the fragile structure between the production area and producers in Yunnan. The ownership of famous mountain tea is fragmented during the production process and belongs to everyone, which makes it highly uncertain. For large producers, this It is fatal, because the instability of production factors does not meet the requirements of economic scale, especially when prices rise and supply exceeds demand. Yunnan tea factories have too weak autonomy in raw materials and mostly rely on contract farming. However, this is meaningless for famous mountain tea, and the number of famous mountain tea is meaningless to large factories. This will change the production structure of Yunnan. After all, the emergence of famous mountain tea is a mature preference generated after the popularization of large factory products, just like the relationship between old tea and new tea. If the value of old tea is denied, then any argument that encourages the collection of Pu'er will become a paradox. Therefore, the formation of famous mountain tea is not out of thin air. It is an inevitable phenomenon of market maturity and has a certain historical background. For example, the tea cakes of Fuyuanchang repeatedly emphasize the concept of Yiwu Zhengshan, which has a profound impact on future generations. This is the reason.
Knowing the reasons and background of the formation of famous mountain tea, we seem to be able to deeply understand the personality and connotation of famous mountain tea. Basically, we can discuss it from several aspects:
1. Tree age and variety: We can say that the value of big tree tea first led to the prosperity of famous mountain tea today, but if we talk about varieties, it is complicated for Pu'er tea. Except for some places with special varieties, such as bitter tea, small and medium leaf varieties, the origins of other large leaf varieties are diverse. The big tree tea I am talking about now is not wild tea, but cultivated big tea tree, but it is different from tea garden tea in terms of tea tree age, tree crown, and tree root conditions. Generally, this kind of tea is far inferior to tea garden tea in ecology and growth rate. The main reason is The spirit of tea garden tea varieties lies in cold resistance and high yield. The distribution and sunshine coefficient of tea gardens are higher than those of big tree tea, which directly affects the number of pickings. In addition, the root depth, tree vigor and crown of big tree tea are obviously greater than those of tea garden tea. The effect of photosynthesis and the influence of soil style will cause different market recognition. Although there may not be scientific basis, good big tree tea does perform better than tea garden tea in taste. To a certain extent, some connotations of big tree tea may not be as good as tea garden tea, especially in scientific data, but I think this is like ecological food and mass-produced food. The taste and ecological environment are different, but the nutrition may be the same, but the unique throat rhyme and slow growth rate of big tree tea still create its unique advantages.
2. Climate conditions: Generally speaking, unique climate conditions are not single, and can be divided into climate, terrain, and soil characteristics. As for climate, it is inseparable from terrain. Most of the world's tea producing areas are based on the Tropic of Cancer, but the most important thing is that the sunshine and temperature are appropriate. The terrain must change so that there can be differences in cold and hot. In addition to photosynthesis, any plant will also breathe. The height of the altitude has an important impact on the taste of tea trees. Sufficient sunshine but moderate altitude will have a reasonable inhibition on the growth rate of tea leaves, which usually makes the tea quality excellent. Of course, sufficient moisture is also necessary. This is why Pu'er tea originated from Ailao Mountain but the six major tea mountains are in Banna. The influence of rainfall on taste is also important. In recent years, the unstable climate in Yunnan has also affected the price of the place of origin. The same as general fruits and vegetables, heavy rain will inevitably be light, but the taste of severe or mild drought tea is usually very rich and sweet, and the same is true for Yitong Baitong wine. This is the reason why in France, people even cover the garden with plastic sheets to control the amount of water absorbed by the grapevines. Therefore, famous mountain tea is usually at high altitudes. This is the case with the King of Tea trees in Guafeng Village and Banzhang, which are also on the Tropic of Cancer. In Yunnan, the altitude is a price indicator for tea. Low altitude tea is called Ba tea, and high altitude tea is either barren mountain tea or famous mountain tea. Another point is the characteristics of microclimate. Famous mountains and famous villages must have commonalities, but they also have characteristics. In addition to different soil characteristics, microclimate is an example. For example, Tongqing River is a good teaching material. In terms of altitude, its height is not as high as the King of Tea Trees, but the tea fields of Tongqing River are in the valleys with dense forest characteristics. In ancient records, it is called mixed forest. Since the mixed ecology must be good, and since it is in the dense forest valley, the temperature must be low, so the temperature of Tongqing River is generally cooler than that of Yiwu Town. This is the characteristic of microclimate and also creates many special tastes.
3. Soil and terrain: The soil characteristics of each region are different. The discussion of soil in the "Tea Classic" has a certain reference value, but I think climate, terrain, and soil can fully express their relationship with tea. For example, Yiwu is mainly red soil and brick red soil, so it has a unique flavor. Although the altitude and microclimate will produce different differences, the flavor of Yiwu tea is generally common. We don't know how deep the soil affects the tea tree, but the tea tree will also change in order to adapt to the environment. This is certain. This is also an indispensable condition for famous mountain tea. The soil has many functions. If we look at the chemical composition, It may not be possible to explain it effectively, especially scientifically, but some elements must affect the taste of tea, otherwise the taste of famous mountain tea would not be so diverse. From the physical characteristics, different soils have different drainage and different connotations. The discussion of soil in the Tea Classic can also be used as a reference, but I think the trace elements in the soil are also one of the factors that affect tea. As for the life structure in the soil, it is related to organic production, which is not difficult for production areas with good ecology. Generally speaking, the ecology of mixed forests is more balanced, while the ecology of tea gardens is unbalanced, and the possibility of using medicine is also greatly increased. Therefore, the above characteristics are also one of the common characteristics of famous mountain tea.
4. Picking quantity and management: The most commercial feature of famous mountain tea is its low yield and rarity. The main reason is that there are few producing areas and the growth rate is slow. Therefore, any pursuit of quantity will seriously affect the future development of famous mountain tea. The price of famous mountain tea is rising day by day, and the pursuit of quantity is difficult to stop, but the benign constraints on the producing areas seem to be developing in a good direction. To a certain extent, proper pruning and increasing the sunshine coefficient are reasonable methods, which also help to warm the taste, but excessive dwarfing is a long-term harm. Although it is convenient for picking, it has a great impact on the taste and the number of picking. The future trend should be to manage famous mountains with the concepts of ecology and recuperation. What famous mountain tea should do most is to reduce production in order to ensure quality. At present, the concept of recuperation of not picking summer tea is promoted in the producing areas. I personally agree with it and believe that this is also the main issue behind the high price of famous mountains. Due to the fragmentation of the ownership of famous mountain tea, the commercial behavior of small households contracting fresh leaves is becoming more and more popular. In the future, the production method will also change the style of famous mountain tea. The primary processing plant will become another landscape of famous mountains in the future, but I think the change of the method should be based on the characteristics of tea. At present, many people in Menghai make raw tea with thrown strips. Many famous mountains have this trend, but Menghai’s tradition is tight strips. I personally think that the tea is beautiful but the taste will also change. These are all issues that must be considered in the future.
The prevalence of famous mountains and famous villages has brought Pu'er tea into a diversified era and changed the future consumption of Pu'er tea. It will also change the history of Pu'er tea. To a certain extent, famous mountain tea is traditional, and large factory tea is a product of planned economy. Tea is not tobacco. The pursuit of large scale and large quantity is actually inconsistent with the exquisite drinking culture. If tea lacks connotation and is just a product of mass production, how can we talk about tea culture? Every Pu'er player has a perfect taste in his heart and needs many unique origin stories. Famous mountain tea brings them another kind of cultural liberation. The future of Pu'er tea must be diverse and beautiful.

